A Search In Secret India by Paul Brunton
It was artist Muralidhar Nangre who one day handed over the Marathi translation of this book. I read it and was fascinated with the unrelenting search of Paul Brunton, a mystic, traveller and author who undertook travels to India to search for godmen and the likes.
It took a while before I could get a copy of the original english book. Reading it again proved to be equally interesting. While the author has shared his account of his encounters with seers and godmen — some seemed to possess special powers, whereas some turned out to be fraudulent.
Paul Brunton has summed up the book with a very appropriate comment which must be a revelation to the probing western mind — a realisation that he seemed to have had after a rigorous scrutiny of seers and godmen — the fact that there exist certain phenomena in this world which are true but the human knowledge of the day is not in a position to explain it.
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